The Reunion of the title is the reunion between Worf and K'Ehleyr, but it's also the reunion between Worf and the Klingon Empire. Forced to accept discommodation to protect the Empire, he now sees that the same policy of political survival over honor has brought the House of Duras to the point of taking power over the Empire.
Reunion is a warrior's drama played out in the softly padded and gently lit hallways of the Enterprise, an out of place paradox. But the traditions and ways of honor have become almost as foreign to the Klingons, as they are to Picard and the Federation. Kimpec is forced to admit that the Klingon ruling council is so corrupt that he has no choice but to bring in a human outsider to fix the situation. Both Gowron and Duras care about nothing but taking power, disdaining the old warrior forms of the Ja'Shuk succession ritual, in their eagerness to finish the fight.
While Duras is the more overtly corrupt leader, a Romulan puppet whose cowardice and treachery becomes all the more manifest when he employs poison, a suicide bomber and murders the Federation ambassador in her quarters; Gowron is really no better than him. And in under a decade, Worf will have to repeat what he does in Reunion and kill Gowron as well in DS9's Tacking into the Wind. And it is never really clear that Duras rather than Gowron killed Kimpec. Gowron's threats and bribes to K'Ehleyr just as easily suggest that he was responsible.
The Empire is dedicated to political survival. Kimpec, Duras and Gowron are all examples of that in one form or another. K'Ehleyr displays contempt for Klingon ways, perhaps because as the Federation ambassador she is all too familiar with the realities of Klingon society. Worf, raised by humans, is the only one who really believes in an ideal Klingon warrior's code, mainly because he was never brought up within Klingon culture where he would have realized that his idealized vision of what being Klingon means has very little to do with how the Empire is actually run.
This alienates Worf doubly from his people, once because he was raised by humans, twice because in trying to be more Klingon than the Klingons, he holds to a code foreign to the actual practices of the Klingon Empire.
The reunions of the title are temporary ones. By the end of the episode K'Ehleyr is dead and Worf remains disgraced and the lone Klingon on the Enterprise. His son has been sent to be raised by his human parents, repeating the cycle and creating another generation of the Sons of Mogh who are alienated from Klingon society.
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