Omega, Dollhouse's 12th and probably final episode, not counting Epitath on DVD, is a perfect coda for Dollhouse itself, a TV series with a lot of potential but not much follow through.
Sure Omega goes pretty much where you expect a Joss Whedon series to go by now. With Firefly, the Browncoats got attached to characters like Mal, Wash or Zoe... only to find out in Serenity that these characters didn't matter and the series was really about the transformation of River into the Firefly version of a Slayer.
Omega pretty much went there, once Echo gets out of the chair and begins smacking Alpha around. And that almost makes sense, until Echo willingly goes back like a lamb to the Dollhouse to be reprogrammed all over again, because "she signed a contract."
That's almost up there with Agent Ballard, whose one obsession was bringing down the Dollhouse, suddenly taking on a job working for the Dollhouse, in order to bail out a Doll he didnt care about an episode ago. This makes the kind of sense that makes none. (Not to mention that November supposedly couldn't handle the memories of her dead child, but now is okay enough with it to flirt with Ballard.)
Then there's Alpha's supervillain, who within the space of an episode goes from cool to lame. It's not Alan Tudyk's fault, but it is Tim Minear's, because Dollhouse spent this much time building up Alpha as incredibly fast, smart and powerful, only to turn him into another cliched serial killer who doesn't seem to be all that fast, smart or anything.
Unlike the episode where Echo plays a backup singer or takes part in a recreation of Dallas, Omega isn't bad, just stupid. As a midseason cliffhanger it might have been less awful, but as a season or series finale, it's just senseless. Clearly Dollhouse can't take Echo out of the Dollhouse, but with Omega, everyone is now back in the Dollhouse.
And the Dollhouse just isn't that interesting. Right now it's being run by Adelle, who we'll probably find out is just another doll at the rate things are going, whose last security chief was an NSA agent, and whose current security chief thinks Dollhouse is amoral. This doesn't scream competence, it screams complete incompetence. Bringing Agent Ballard on board and inside the Dollhouse seems like an even more self-destructive move.
About the only interest thing in Omega was Dr. Saunders. Amy Acker was badly underused through the show's run, and her storyline finally pays off. Unfortunately it's a good blip in an episode that's more noise than signal.
If Joss Whedon wanted to make a compelling argument for returning Dollhouse, Omega wasn't it.
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