Lost's half aborted Season 5 has finally gotten its finale, and while it doesn't quite jump the shark, that's probably only because there are no sharks left to jump. And no I'm not kidding about that.
After spending an entire season moving the Losties off the island and then getting them back on the island this season, the whole series has a Sisyphean flavor to it (Mr. Handy: READ A BOOK) as the characters work hard to undo what they've already done. Lost's Season 5 finale takes that to the ultimate level with a finale where everyone sorta works to undo the past 5 years.
Now after 5 years of Lost going boldly nowhere, it's understandable that the thought of rebooting the whole shebang might be tempting. Hell it's very tempting to viewers if we could just go back in time to when this show was the coolest thing on eight planets and people without an amateur interest in quantum psychics actually watched the damn thing.
But problematic as the whole "Let's bum around the 70's and reset the whole show, or try to and fail miserably" storyline is, the real problem is that the characters have stopped making sense altogether.
In The Variable, the episode leading up to The Incident, Daniel completely goes out of character running around the Other camp and wildly brandishing a gun. This unsurprisingly gets him killed.
The reason this is bad, isn't just because Daniel was a fairly tolerable character, but because it was out of character and had him engage in senseless behavior, just to produce a particular plot outcome. This is what is called an Idiot Plot.
And if you love Idiot Plots, you've got to love The Incident, where the plot is premised on everyone acting like an idiot. And while that's not really all that unusual for Lost, everyone in The Incident is out of character.
Ben Linus, the show's epic manipulator, is suddenly an easier to twist around and use, than a pawn on a chessboard. Verdict: Outta Character.
Then there's the whole Jack, Juliet, Sawyer and Kate quartet. Kate goes after Sawyer to convince him to help her stop Jack. Then she winds up helping Jack. Juliet decides to help stop Jack. Then she changes her mind and decides to help him. Sawyer who doesn't seem to give a damn either way, is suddenly so enraged about the whole thing that he tries to kill Jack.
As stupid as all that is, the motivations are even dumber. Jack turns out to be bent on setting off the bomb, not because it's the right thing to do, or because it'll save lives, but because he wants a second chance with Kate. Though considering that he slept with her before the return, it doesn't seem as if that chance would be so hard to come by that it requires a nuke and altering the timeline.
It's a generically stupid motivation, but it's one that turns out to be shared by Juliet, who writes her own goodbyes with a speech encouraging Sawyer to be with Kate.
Even the bomb doesn't seem to know what it's doing. It's supposed to explode on impact, but even falling down 100 feet down a mineshaft doesn't set it off. Only Juliet banging weakly on it with a rock, does.
I don't have a lot to say about The Incident, because there isn't a lot to say about it. We get Jacob wandering around and influencing everyone's lives like a creepy scoutmaster. And then it turns out evil Locke came back and black Locke is still deadish. The Timelines have gotten wacky and nothing much makes sense anymore.
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