Yes the sun is up, the clothes are down and it's another creatively bankrupt Hollywood summer. This weekend the top of the box office belongs to Transformers 2, a sequel to a live action movie based on an 80's cartoon and toy line. But wait, there's more.
Transformers 2 isn't Hasbro's only big screen movie entry. Waiting in wings for release this summer is G.I Joe, another live action movie based on an 80's cartoon and produced by Hasbro and Paramount. It's almost as if Hasbro and Paramount got a grant from the Federal Government to make America more retarded. What's even sadder is that besides UP, the summer's big box office movies are not original in any sense of the word.
Transformers and GI Joe are live action cartoon adaptations, a trend that will now only hit new heights or peaks, or whatever. But don't forget Star Trek, headed for 250 million dollars, another big screen remake of a popular 70's TV series.
What you thought Star Trek was different? Nope. Every Star Trek movie before it was at least an extension of the series. J.J. Abrams' Star Trek is nothing more than a reboot, which is a fancy way of saying "remake" for stuff that the executives don't like in the original. It's big, it's dumb and it's desperately aimed at the teens and kids.
So what else does Hollywood have for us? Sequels of course. Sequels being the 2006 version of the reboot. There's Ice Age 3, Dawn of the Dinosaurs. There's Night at the Museum 2. And there's Angels and Demons, a prequel to The DaVinci Code, and based on a bestselling novel. And Terminator Salvation, the fourth movie in the Terminator cycle. Wolverine, a spinoff of the X-Men movies. None of these movies have performed under 100 million. Most have or will top 200 million.
I could mention also that much of the rest of the box office is just as creatively bankrupt, just less successful. The Taking of Pelham 123 is another remake. Land of the Lost is another TV series adapted to a big screen movie. Meanwhile The Hangover and The Proposal are successful and completely generic paint by the number movies targeting a narrow demographic, divided by gender. Proving once again that there's lots of money to be made from creative bankruptcy and pandering. Oh yes, pandering all the livelong day.
Enjoy your Hollywood summer.
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